Key signs that your car is in need of a service

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Signs Your Car Is Ready For A Service.

A good vehicle sales environment should have an emphasis on the service cycle of a vehicle. Manufacturers specify a number of thousands of kilometres or a 12 monthly cycle and invariably the first service is a checkout to look for any leaks or looseness of items. Also, a sticker placed in the uppermost right corner of the windscreen is a visual reminder of when a next service is due.

However, humans being humans tend to overlook or forget about a car’s service requirements. The most attention would be a cursory look at the tyres when putting in fuel, and maybe a wipeover of the windscreen.

As the automotive world has changed and evolved in the decades, electronics have become a very important part of how a vehicle operates. Carburettors have given way to fuel injection, for example, and now have a more precise measurement of fuel, plus can adapt to the demand of the engine instantly.

It also means the days of the Saturday morning wash and dry, and a check of the engine’s dipstick are, for many, a distant memory.

Engines require fuel to provide power, oil to provide lubrication (and a measure of cooling), bespoke cooling system fluids, and electrical power for the injection systems and diagnostics.

It’s that last that provides a driver an update of when a car’s various working parts may need attention. One of these that provides a basis for jokes in television programs is the “check engine” warning light. Although on its own a broad spectrum warning, it’s important to note because if an engine fails, the vehicle goes nowhere, and can be expensive to repair or replace.

Sensors monitor engine temperature, fluid movement and temperature, and after a period of time, fluids lose efficiency or become contaminated from mechanical wear, such as the movement of pistons and oil rings on a cylinder wall.

But not all signs are visible on the dashboard. Put your foot on the brake and the vehicle should slow in a straight line, and without vibration. If there is a deviation in direction or unexpected noise, then a service call should be made. In older cars, fuel consumption may not be as easily tracked via electronics, so if a normal drive routine sees consumption increase, then areas such as the fuel lines, spark plugs, even the ignition system itself should be inspected.

The Garage Miami is your one-stop-shop for upgrades and information. Give us a call on 07 5572 1711 so we can answer your questions.


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